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Why is technical SEO important?

A magnifying glass focusing on the letters "SEO" with associated keywords like "keywords", "content", "position", "optimize", "link", "tag", "pages", and "rank" on a teal background.
Imagine a site without technical SEO as a car without fuel. Power up your site and ensure it runs best. Read on to discover why.

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Have you ever tried to open a door that’s stuck? It’s frustrating, right? That’s how a website feels when it doesn’t have technical SEO.


But what if we told you there’s a way to make sure your website’s “doors” always open smoothly? And that in the future, people will be able to visit your site without any hiccups?


Let’s look into technical SEO and see its websites. With each word you read, picture a website that’s fast, easy, and loved by all its visitors. Ready? Let’s get started!

What are the benefits of technical SEO?

Technical SEO is like the behind-the-scenes magic that helps websites work better. When we say “better,” we mean in several ways:

  1. Faster Website: A key part of technical SEO is making a website run quickly. This means when you click on something, it opens up right away. Think of it like opening a door. If it’s stuck or heavy, it’s hard to go through. But a door that swings open easily? That’s what technical SEO does for websites.

  2. Happier Visitors: Another thing technical SEO does is make websites user-friendly. That’s a fancy way of saying it makes websites easy and clear for visitors. So, when people come to a site, they can find what they want without getting confused or lost.

  3. Being Seen: The last big benefit is about getting noticed. It’s like if you had a store and put up a big, bright sign so people can see it from far away. Technical SEO helps websites show up better when people search online. This means more people can find and visit the website.

When we look deeper into why these benefits matter, we see a clear pattern. A fast website means people won’t leave because they’re tired of waiting. A clear and easy-to-use website means visitors will spend more time looking around. And when a website shows up better in search results, it gets more visitors.


So, all these benefits work together to make a website more successful. It’s like pieces of a puzzle fitting together perfectly. Technical SEO is the tool that puts those pieces in the right place.

What is the difference between SEO and technical SEO?

SEO, or Search Engine Optimization, is like a big puzzle. Think of it as making your website friendly for search engines like Google. This way, when people look for something you offer, your website shows up. Now, there are many pieces to this puzzle. Some pieces are about what words you use, what topics you write about, or who talks about your site on the internet.



Now, technical SEO is a special part of this puzzle. It’s like making sure all the puzzle pieces fit just right. This includes things like making sure your website loads fast, is organized well, and can be read easily by search engines.



But why does this matter? Imagine two stores. Both sell the same things, but one store is messy, and it’s hard to find what you’re looking for. The other store is clean, well-organized, and everything is labeled. 


Which store would you rather shop in? Just like that, search engines prefer websites that are well-organized, or in other words, have good technical SEO.


 When you combine both the general SEO (like using the right words and getting good reviews) with technical SEO (keeping the site tidy), your website becomes a favorite spot for search engines. This means more people can find and visit your site.


What are the three pillars of technical SEO?

When we talk about websites, it’s like thinking about a big, digital bookshop. Just like how people need to find, choose, and read books in a shop, websites also have a process for people to find and view them. This process is based on three main steps, or “pillars.” Let’s learn about these three pillars of technical SEO:


  1. Crawling:
    Explanation: Think of “crawling” as special helpers, like search engines, coming to look at all the pages in your digital bookshop. They peek into every nook and cranny to see what’s there.

    Analysis: If these helpers don’t see a page, they won’t tell people about it. So, it’s super important for the whole shop (or website) to be open for them to look around. This is why ensuring search engines can access content is crucial. If they can’t see it, they can’t share it with others.

  2. Indexing:
    Explanation: After looking around, these helpers make a big list of what they’ve seen. This list helps them and others remember what’s in the shop and where to find it.

    Analysis: Just like a bookshop has an index or catalog, websites have something similar. It’s a system that search engines use to remember and organize website pages. This way, when someone searches for something, the search engine can quickly show them the right pages.

  3. Rendering:
    Explanation: Just like books have different designs and layouts, websites also appear differently on phones, tablets, or computers.

    Analysis: “Rendering” makes sure the website looks good and is easy to use on any device. It’s like making sure both big and small books are easy to read. This ensures that everyone, no matter where they’re viewing from, has a good experience.

These three steps – Crawling, Indexing, and Rendering – make sure websites are easy to find, remember, and view. Like a well-run bookshop, a good website lets everyone find and enjoy what they’re looking for

What is the important component of technical SEO?

Have you ever waited for a webpage to load and felt like it was taking forever? Or tried to view a website on your phone and found it hard to use? That’s where technical SEO comes in, and today, we’re going to focus on one really important part of it.

Site Speed:


Explanation: Imagine you’re in a race. You wouldn’t want to run in shoes that slow you down, right? Similarly, for a website, “site speed” is like its running shoes. It’s about how fast a webpage loads and shows everything it’s supposed to. A speedy site lets visitors see what they came for quickly, without waiting around.


Analysis: A fast-loading website isn’t just nice for the people visiting. Search engines, like Google, also prefer fast websites. When a site is quick, it tells the search engines that it’s well-made and user-friendly. That’s why they often place fast websites higher in search results. So, site speed doesn’t just give visitors a better experience; it also helps more people find the website in the first place.


While there are many parts to technical SEO, site speed stands out as a key player. It makes a website more user-friendly and helps it rank better in search results. It’s like the special shoes that help a runner perform at their best.


What is a simple example of technical SEO?

A sitemap is like a map of your website. It lists all the pages so that search engines can find and understand them easily. This way, they know what’s on your website.


When search engines understand your website better, they can show it to more people. Imagine if you had a new store and gave maps to everyone so they could find all the products easily. It’s the same idea. When things are easy to find, more people come and visit.

Importance of optimizing robots.txt file:

The robots.txt file is a little note for search engines. It tells them which pages they can look at and which they can’t. Think of it as a “Do Not Disturb” sign for certain rooms in your website house.


Sometimes, there are pages on your website that you don’t want everyone to see. Maybe they’re not finished or they’re private. By using the robots.txt file, you can keep these pages hidden. This helps make sure only the best parts of your site are shown to the world.

Does technical SEO require coding?

Technical SEO is about making sure a website works well for search engines. Sometimes, this can involve coding, which is like writing instructions for the website. But not all technical SEO tasks need coding.


Think of your website as a car. To fix some things, you might need to look under the hood and tinker with the engine (that’s like coding). But other times, you might just need to pump the tires or refill the wiper fluid. These are simpler tasks that don’t need you to be a mechanic (or coder).

Tools and plugins that make tasks easier without in-depth coding knowledge:

There are tools and helpers, called plugins, that make many technical SEO tasks easy. Plugins are like magic buttons for websites. By adding them, you can do certain tasks without having to code.


Imagine having a gadget in your car that automatically checks the tire pressure for you. That’s how plugins work for websites. They handle some of the technical parts, so you don’t have to become an expert coder to make your website search-engine friendly.

How can you improve your technical SEO?

To make your website better for search engines, there are steps you can take. Think of it like a checklist for keeping your car running smoothly.

Technical SEO:

Think of this as setting the foundation of your store:

  • Make sure your website is easily accessible to search engines.
  • Speed up your site so it loads quickly.
  • Use a sitemap to guide search engines through your pages.
  • Optimize the robots.txt file to instruct search engines on which pages to skip.

On-page SEO:

Once the foundation is set, on-page SEO is like arranging and labeling the items in your store:

  • Ensure content is high-quality and valuable.
  • Use the right keywords to guide people to your store.
  • Attach descriptive ‘alt tags’ to images.
  • Organize content with clear headings.

Off-page SEO:

This is like spreading the word about your store in the community:

  • Build strong relationships with other websites to get quality backlinks.
  • Engage on social media to spread your content.
  • Get mentioned in online forums or blogs related to your nich.

Recommended Tools:

Just as a craftsman has tools, there are tools for SEO:

  1. Google Search Console: A free tool from Google, letting you peek into your site’s performance.

  2. SEMrush: It provides insights into how your site ranks and suggests improvements.

  3. Moz: It helps you understand how search engines see your site.

    Each tool plays its part. Google Search Console is like your ground feedback, SEMrush is your competitive edge, and Moz is your guide to understanding search engines. Using them in concert maximizes results.

Technical SEO is like the backbone of a strong digital presence. Remember, it helps make your website faster, more understandable, and friendly to search engines.


In the big world of online marketing, it’s these small tweaks and fixes that often lead to big wins. When you make your website technically sound, search engines reward you with better spots on their pages. And that means more people can find you.


Always give a little extra attention to the tech side of your website. By doing this, you’re setting yourself up for success. Don’t forget that A well-optimized site can lead to more visitors, and that’s always a good thing.

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